This API returns the account information for the current user. The information returned includes account type, mode, and details. The Account ID Key is also given which is required for other etrader functions.
output = c("df", "list"),
access_tokens = NULL,
etrade_cred = NULL,
sandbox = FALSE
Indicate whether the output should be in the form of a data frame ('df') or list ('list'). Data frame is returned by default.
Access tokens are created using
. This entry is not required because
the output is saved and retrieved from R options automatically.
The output created from
when a valid ETRADE key and secret have
been passed. This entry is not required because the output is saved and
retrieved from R options automatically.
ETRADE offers a sandbox environment for validating API calls and responses. If using the sandbox environment, this must be set to TRUE in each function called throughout etrader. ETRADE states "Sandbox responses use stored data that's intended to provide typical responses for basic use cases. So the responses you receive will not contain current data, and may not exactly match your requests in other ways." Essentially, the responses will not match the requests entered but successful pull will indicate whether the entry was valid or not.
a data frame or list of account data
if (FALSE) {
# Once valid access tokens are obtained, the function can be run without parameters