Filter for stocks based on numerous criteria.
limit = 100,
mrktCapAbove = NULL,
mrktCapBelow = NULL,
betaAbove = NULL,
betaBelow = NULL,
dividendAbove = NULL,
dividendBelow = NULL,
volumeAbove = NULL,
volumeBelow = NULL,
sector = NULL,
industry = NULL
limit output to a certain amount or rows
integer - market cap greater than
integer - market cap less than
double - beta greater than
double - beta less than
double - dividend greater than
double - dividend less than
integer - volume in shares greater than
integer - volume in shares less than
indicate a sector. Documentation is unclear of options. 'tech' is the example used
indicate an industry. Documentation is unclear of options. 'Software' is the example used
a list of securities based on criteria supplied
This function will temporarily modify options(scipen=999).
if (FALSE) {
# Must set a valid API token
fmpc_security_screener() # Default pulls a list of 100 with no filters
# Search for market cap above a billion,
# that trades at least a million shares with a dividend under 1
fmpc_security_screener(mrktCapAbove = 1e9, dividendBelow = 1, volumeAbove = 1e6)