Get a Refresh Token using the Authorization Code

schwab_auth2_refreshToken(appKey, appSecret, callbackURL, codeToken)



'Schwab API' generated App Key for the registered app.


'Schwab API' generated Secret for the registered app.


Users Callback URL for the registered app


Will be the URL at the end of Auth Step 1. Somewhere in the URL you should see Paste the entire URL into the function.


Refresh Token that is valid for 7 days


Once a URL has been generated using schwab_auth1_loginURL, a user can visit that URL to grant access to Schwab accounts. Once the button "Done" at the end of the process is pressed, the user will be redirected, potentially to "This site can't be reached". This indicates a successful log in. The URL of this page contains the Authorization Code. Paste the entire URL, not just the Authorization Code, into schwab_auth2_refreshToken. The authorization code will be a long alpha numeric string starting with 'https' and having 'code=' embedded.

The output of schwab_auth2_refreshToken will be a Refresh Token which will be used to gain access to the Schwab account(s) going forward. The Refresh Token will be valid for 7 days. Be sure to save the Refresh Token to a safe location.

The Refresh Token is needed to generate an Access Token using schwab_auth3_accessToken, which is used for general account access. The Access Token expires after 30 minutes but the Refresh Token remains active for 7 days. You want to store your refresh token somewhere safe so that you can reference it later to regenerate an authorization token. After 7 days you have to manually log in again. The 'Schwab API' team indicated this might change in the future, but no set timeline.

See also

schwab_auth1_loginURL to generate a login url which leads to an authorization code, and more importantly generated a Refresh Token, you can feed the refresh token into schwab_auth3_accessToken to generate a new Access Token


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# Initial access will require manually logging in to the URL from schwab_auth1_loginURL
# After a successful log in, the URL authorization code can be fed with a callbackURL
tok = schwab_auth2_refreshToken(appKey = 'schwab_APP_KEY',
                               appSecret = 'schwab_SECRET',
                               callbackURL = '',
                               codeToken = '')

# Save the Refresh Token somewhere safe where it can be retrieved

} # }