Search an Option Chain for a specific ticker
underlying ticker for the options chain
the number of strikes above and below the current strike
set TRUE to include pricing details (will be delayed if account is set for delayed quotes)
the start date for expiration (should be greater than or equal to today). Format: yyyy-mm-dd
the end date for expiration (should be greater than or equal to today). Format: yyyy-mm-dd
can be 'ALL', 'CALL', or 'PUT'
A valid Access Token must be set using the output from
. The most recent Access Token will be
used by default unless one is manually passed into the function.
a list of 2 data frames - underlying and options chain
Return a list containing two data frames. The first is the underlying data for the symbol. The second item in the list is a data frame that contains the options chain for the specified ticker.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Pull all option contracts expiring over the next 6 months
# with 5 strikes above and below the at-the-money price
schwab_optionChain(ticker = 'SPY',
strikes = 5,
endDate = Sys.Date() + 180)
} # }