Search for orders associated with a Schwab account over the previous 60 days. The result is a list of three objects:
jsonlite formatted extract of all orders
all entered orders with details
a data frame of all executed orders with the executions
A Schwab account number associated with the Access Token
Orders from a certain date with. Format yyyy-mm-dd.
Filter orders that occurred before a certain date. Format yyyy-mm-dd
the max results to return in the query
search by order status (ACCEPTED, FILLED, EXPIRED, CANCELED, REJECTED, etc). This can be left blank for all orders. See documentation for full list
A valid Access Token must be set using the output from
. The most recent Access Token will be
used by default unless one is manually passed into the function.
a list of three objects: a jsonlite formatted extract of all orders, all entered orders with details, a data frame of all executed orders with the executions
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get all orders run over the last 50 days (up to 500)
schwab_orderSearch(account_number = account_number,
startDate = Sys.Date()-50,
maxResults = 500, orderStatus = '')
} # }