Can pull trades as well as transfers, dividend reinvestment, interest, etc. Any activity associated with the account.
A schwab account number associated with the Access Token
Transactions after a certain date. Will not pull back transactions older than 1 year. format yyyy-mm-dd
Filter transactions that occurred before a certain date. format yyyy-mm-dd
Filter for a specific Transaction type. No entry will return all types. For example: TRADE, CASH_IN_OR_CASH_OUT, CHECKING, DIVIDEND, INTEREST, OTHER
A valid Access Token must be set using the output from
. The most recent Access Token will be
used by default unless one is manually passed into the function.
a jsonlite data frame of transactions
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Access Token must be set using schwab_auth_accessToken
# Transactions for the last 5 days
schwab_transactSearch(account_number = 987654321,
startDate = Sys.Date()-days(5))
} # }