Retrieves account data for all accounts linked to the Access Token or a specific account
output = "df",
account_number = "",
value_pull = c("all", "bal", "pos", "acts"),
accessTokenList = NULL
Use 'df' for a list of 3 data frames containing balances, positions, and orders. Otherwise the data will be returned as a list of lists
The account number as shown on the Schwab website
Can be one of 'all','bal','pos','acts' depending on what you want to pull back
A valid Access Token must be set using the output from
. The most recent Access Token will be
used by default unless one is manually passed into the function.
a list of requested account details
The output will be either a list of three data frames or a list of three
lists that contain balances, positions, and account numbers for Schwab accounts
linked to the access token or specified. For historical orders, see
. The default is for a data frame output which is
much cleaner.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get stored refresh token
refreshToken = readRDS('/secure/location/')
# Generate a new access token
accessTokenList = schwab_auth3_accessToken(appKey, appSecret, refreshToken)
# Passing the accessTokenList is optional. The default will return balances
asDF = schwab_accountData()
asList = schwab_accountData('list',account_number = '', accessTokenList)
} # }