Search an Option Chain for a specific ticker

schwab_optionExpiration(ticker, accessTokenList = NULL)



underlying ticker for the options chain


A valid Access Token must be set using the output from schwab_auth3_accessToken. The most recent Access Token will be used by default unless one is manually passed into the function.


a list of 2 data frames - underlying and options chain


Return a list containing two data frames. The first is the underlying data for the symbol. The second item in the list is a data frame that contains the options chain for the specified ticker.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# Pull all option contracts expiring over the next 6 months
# with 5 strikes above and below the at-the-money price
schwab_optionChain(ticker = 'SPY',
             strikes = 5,
             endDate = Sys.Date() + 180)

} # }